Safe 4 Family
Date Owner Player Action
26.04.2024 17:53 [S4F]ForsakenZEW [S4F]Gakpo Got rank 3
26.04.2024 17:53 [S4F]ForsakenZEW [S4F]Gakpo Got rank 2
26.04.2024 17:49 [S4F]DerekRegepeDeagle [S4F]Gakpo Joined the clan
26.04.2024 17:49 [S4F]DerekRegepeDeagle Vettel Left the clan
26.04.2024 17:13 [S4F]RobertMP [S4F]RobicaManele Joined the clan
26.04.2024 11:07 [S4F]DerekRegepeDeagle [S4F]Danutu Joined the clan
26.04.2024 11:06 [S4F]DerekRegepeDeagle amadeus007 Left the clan
26.04.2024 11:06 [S4F]DerekRegepeDeagle AdyBen Left the clan
26.04.2024 05:01 [S4F]RobertMP [S4F]AndreiSpoitoru Joined the clan
25.04.2024 22:11 JUST_ JUST_ Left the clan
25.04.2024 21:37 [S4F]wolfpack [S4F]Balenoi12 Joined the clan
25.04.2024 21:16 [S4F]Balenoi12 [S4F]Balenoi12 Left the clan
25.04.2024 21:00 [S4F]Balenoi12 JUST_ Joined the clan
25.04.2024 11:14 [S4F].Nicu dex Left the clan
25.04.2024 10:19 [S4F]DerekRegepeDeagle [S4F]forsaken10 Joined the clan